1. Regular apply of sunscreen: Apply sunscreen regularly specifically the one that has SPF 15 or higher when you step out of house. The sun can make blemishes worse and can interfere with certain acne medications and treatments.
2. Rose water and sandalwood: Another remedy for getting rid of blemishes is by using a mixture of rose water and sandalwood. Firstly take equal amounts of lemon juice, rose water and add sandalwood powder until it forms a paste. Then apply it on your skin and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it with clean water and pat dry. do it regularly to find the difference.
3. Oranges and almond: In a small bowl take a small amount of dried orange peel and blanched and coarsely grind-ed almonds. Now make a paste which will be like a scrub. Scrub the paste on your face for about 30-60 seconds. Wash with it clean water.
4. Grated potatoes: Starch helps in reducing pigmentation and also diminishes dark circles. Take a small potato, grate it and extract its juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and apply it on your skin. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse off. Doing it daily will reduce the pigmentation and dark circles.
5. Banana peel: Take a ripe banana and gently rub the inside of its skin on the affected area for about 10 minutes, till the peel turns brown. Let it dry completely and then wash it off with clean water.
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